January 08, 2012

New Year, (Hopefully) New Me

Hi people! Do you realize there's something new and big on my blog? Correct, it's my NEW HEADER BLOG! it's new year people and i think it's time for me to make some renovation here. I started this renovation with replaced my header and also title blog with the new one. Basically, i can't stand for something stagnant in a long time period, so it makes me want to change my appearance blog, besides i need to charge my creative skill that i rarely use (Idea of catchy words and layout). Something's come up a day ago, spam comment on my blog, and it's kinda annoying for me. Said something Cruel and bad with New Kiddo, well i didn't know exactly who are they. I was so upset and i didn't expect that will come. But now here i am in Chan's Anomaly Space. Hope no more spam or something bad will come up (Ah also for yours too yay).

Anyway, If new year comes, there's must be new resolutions we create. For the fact, im typical person who not really into resolutions. For me, New resolutions was just a myth. But as time goes by, and im also grown up , i think i should make some for this year. Self created, to be a better person. Here they are:

1. Lose my weight about 5-8 Kg. It's all woman resolution, definitely :)
2. More travelling. yes, Believe it or not, travelling is like drugs. The more you travelling, the more you craving for this! Wherever it is!
3. Saving more money. At least 25% of my salary will ended up in my saving bank.
4. Donate my money for people who needed, like orphan children.
5. More carry and love for my boyfriend. Because separated place and busy time is the most prob for us to have a time together
6. Keep in my Faith. Never leave my prays five times a day and more to read Al Qur'an and Yaasin for my Dad.
5. Spend a time on my weekend to cooking practice, especially pasta and dessert foody. Yummy!
6. Eat lot of vegetary and boiled food and less meat.
7. READ MORE. Yeah Im still wondering why, why it's so hard for me to reading (Expect Magazine). People please force me to read whatever book is!
8. Im just thinking about having a new pet in my home. Haha
9. Make my mom smile everyday!
10. My job? Hope there's more project in my office.


January 07, 2012

Day Four: Kampung Glam

This was the last day and i've become accidentally sad to faced that we must leave this beautiful city. For this day we decided to visit historical place in Singapore, and one of them was Kampung Glam and Masjid Sultan. No more words, those picts below tell everything. Hope i can visit you next time, Spore.


Day Three: China Town, URA Centre, Raffles City, Marina Bay

The trip still continued, people and it's finally 2012, woohoo! Happy New Year! ok enough, now we're head off to China Town bought some souvenirs! Seriously, if you want buy souvenirs for your relations, you should buy here, the cheapest price than other. My best buy from here was USG 2 for 18 keychains! :)

Typical Chinese House In Singapore