November 25, 2011

Day One: Landed

As i said before, this post and some next posts will tell about my whole days in Singapore (SG). And for this post im gonna sharing about my first day in SG. Enjoy.

(1) a.b

1a. Had a very first flight at 05.40 AM (Indonesia time) w/ Air Asia flyer. Look at the sky, the colour was peacefuly blue. And that wing was so 'bobrok' and fragile. Errr..
1b. I couldn't take my eyes off her style (esp her heels). Couldn't say more, Gorgeous.

Touched down Changi airport at 07.30 AM (SG time). Me and others had a rest time for a while, besides, it's time to took some brochures and booklet about SG. On this post, im warning you, if you have a change to travel one time, you should take some brochures or some guide book which airport was served, some brochures have a public transport lane, and it's really important to a tourist who use public transport like me.

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(2). If you have a problem with your luggage (lost your luggage or inside the luggage) just go there, maybe you'll find it because those people will keep your lost luggage.

Ah and we also explored the airport. Changi was the biggest and cleanest airport i've ever seen.

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(6) a.b

3. 4. 5. See, it proves my words!
6a. The faster escalator more than anything (but i still could standing did a pose :P)
6b. Appealing of go green

About 10.00 AM, next destination was our apartment in Lucky Plaza, a place where we lived for 4 days. We were really tired at first day, so we spent the whole day with sleeping. In the afternoon, we decided went to the famous IKEA in Alexandra. Unfortunatelly i wasn't enjoying the moment when i was there, because of the stupid mistaken happened to me. Besides, i just got my new SG number, so i tried to called my friends who lived there all the time and we was planning to had a meet up the next day.

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(7). Frankly, it's forbidden take photo inside building. But IKEA reminds me of 500 days of summer scene. One day, i will bring my boyfie there and pretend as a wife and husband who's looking for new furnitures. Haha.




  1. huaaa... ur posting makes me wanna go aroad more and mooore..... hiks..

    lw pergi pas air aisa lg promo ya chan? hehe...

  2. hihiii, yaaa itu promo pew, jd yg lain beli tiket promo (awal 2011), krn gw br msk jd harganya harga biasa.

  3. uwaauu,, jadi pengen transit di SG pas pulang nnt,,
