November 12, 2010

Long Time No See, Long Time No Typing Part 2

Hello fellaww, welcome back!
For this second post, i will give you one-of-recommended-restaurant-in-town (Botani Square Mall). We can called it 'Sagoo'. I love the interior and all stuff here. If you sometimes have a chance to eat in this restaurant, maybe you can agree with my opinion :). You will be brought to a tempoe doeloe atmosphere. The walls, the desk, the tableware, the menu list, everything! anyway, this is my second time i enjoyed the place. My first was enjoying in Paris Van Java Bandung. there's some picture bellow about this place. feel free to see!
the interior which i told you above

my friends and i enjoyed the food and the place. yummy!

my friend, Intan with old pillow and bird cage in restaurant ?
you wont never see in other place :)

me with roti bakar and teh tarik (traditional menu here)

my friend, Wemby and selamat mentjoba (Indonesian old spelled) written in huruf sambung

my friend, Manceu with selamat dateng (means greetings in Indonesia)

my friend, Ipung like manceu did

look behind us, all the old stuff was hanging above, lovely!



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