November 12, 2010

Long Time No See, Long Time No Typing Part 2

Hello fellaww, welcome back!
For this second post, i will give you one-of-recommended-restaurant-in-town (Botani Square Mall). We can called it 'Sagoo'. I love the interior and all stuff here. If you sometimes have a chance to eat in this restaurant, maybe you can agree with my opinion :). You will be brought to a tempoe doeloe atmosphere. The walls, the desk, the tableware, the menu list, everything! anyway, this is my second time i enjoyed the place. My first was enjoying in Paris Van Java Bandung. there's some picture bellow about this place. feel free to see!
the interior which i told you above

my friends and i enjoyed the food and the place. yummy!

my friend, Intan with old pillow and bird cage in restaurant ?
you wont never see in other place :)

me with roti bakar and teh tarik (traditional menu here)

my friend, Wemby and selamat mentjoba (Indonesian old spelled) written in huruf sambung

my friend, Manceu with selamat dateng (means greetings in Indonesia)

my friend, Ipung like manceu did

look behind us, all the old stuff was hanging above, lovely!



October 28, 2010

Long Time No See, Long Time No Typing Part 1.

Dear my adorable readers. how have you been?
am so sorry not blogging again since lebaran. but this is what i can give to you to explain everything first. another visit jakarta that i've joined after lebaran to museum tekstil and planetarium with my friends. enjoy!



September 11, 2010

Happy Ied Mubarak 1431 H

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Minal Aidin Wal'faidzin everyone! pardon me for all mistakes i've ever done to you. Enjoy your holiday time! btw, please eat all foods carefully, so many tastes in Ied Mubarak and it feels like 'arrgg, wanna try this, and this, and that one' perhaps next day you'll get morning sick like i did ;P



August 21, 2010

Meet The Japanese

Moshi-moshi fellaw! :)
Probably some of you will wondering why i greet you in japanese, rite? hihi
Just wanna share to you that a few days ago, me and my friends had a new schedule to accompany my lecture's guests doing research here in Indonesia. I dont know exactly what research it was. But a friends told me that theirs research was about measure temperature in several city in Indonesia, which is Tangerang, Jakarta, Depok, Etc using a modern digital tools brought from Japan. And those tools was cool! i never ever saw that things before in my life. One of my favourite is camera-for-measure-temperature. the packaging of that camera so different with camera for capture a picture in a store. Maybe looks like GPS (Geoprocessing Portable System), but when we capture the result so different from original, only full of so many colours, but those colours have a really means. each colour show every temperature. Red means high temperature and blue means low temperature. So interesting!
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Those japaneses consist of some profesors and students. Actually i didn't really know much about them, but i knew some from of them. Kashi, Moe, Shuhei, and Yuka. They were so nice to me, even Shuhei and Yuka was not good in english but they always smiled if i told everything about Indonesia, hehe. We shared everything that we knew each others. I told them about Nodame Cantabile (Japanese dorama), anime like One Piece, Kobo-Chan, Dragon Balls, and Harajuku too. They told that i knew much about Japan, where did i know that, and they said "you really know everything about Japan, you supposed to go to Japan" and i answered "yeah i wish". Moe, one of them had a good memories in Indonesia, she had been live here and it was her third time in Indonesia. So she knew much about Indonesia, Such as Indonesian food (she said that she really like gado-gado and avocado juice), ITB (she said " ahh, the famous university in Indonesia rite?" envy), Gigi (yeah that band, she laughed when i said gigi means teeth.haha), and many more.
For a second time i went to accompany them, they had a plan go to two places in a same time. I was in a group to Kampung Bali (one of a house complex in Jakarta) and only me and mrs. Ani from LIPI, my two friends were in another group. Argh! i was so confused, didnt know what to say, panic attack at first time. But they were so nice always made a talk to me. When in lobby hotel, only me, kashi, and moe there. We told much about us. Such as who's your boyfriend, how was your life. Kashi, a twenty years old girl told me that she had live in USA in 2 weeks with her sister (seventeen years old) and teacher. She have a boyfriend too, and they've been together 2 weeks until now ( a newbie :D), and we like chiaki senpai too! haha. Moe, a twenty four years old, an architecture graduate, a single, loves indonesia very much (she wished have a boyfriend from indonesia) and she wanted have a job in here too. She's so friendly to indonesian people. and her bahasa not bad.

That is my story now. Honestly, they're my first friends another country until now, so it makes me happy. well, maybe my grammar is not good, but you know their grammar not good too like me. And see? i could spend a day only with them and had a lot story which i tell above rite :)
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Different languange doesnt mean we cant talk with another. Just always show our smile then they will feel comfort with us and wanna share everything with us.Voila!



August 14, 2010

Perfect Passion

this is what i admire about lomography. so many bright colours and random expression.

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all courtesy from google.

Lomonesia: the biggest local community of lomography in
Indonesia. visit them in

August 03, 2010

am still stuck *sigh

halo fellaww. so happy meet you here again
a new month august, and still confusing about my final thesis :'(. you know what, the hardest part when im doing this is to adjust word one by one become a good sentences, and this is making me terrible. im not good enough to arrange words so, am just stuck here nothing to do and put my self to do what i wanna do except that.

anyway, a couple day ago when i opened my facebook home, i saw my friend, her name dita maulani. and am already knew that she's good at handmade accessories. all the stuff being unique in her hand. and i saw a neklace picture that looking good so i bought it. after that she gaves me her blog to visit. when i opened that blog, i realized that her handmade more complete than her facebook, include tutorial that she showed to learn for us. great! please visit her here, click the image bellow.

this is a neklace that i ordered from her. park life :)

when kukuh back to bogor,he gaves me this. at his hometown, he attended a festival and sell everything unique and you wont see in a modern city. its snail! yeah, when i was kid i knew this animal, because in front of my elementary school theres some people sell this

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3 snails in a bright color

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design for a snails home. so cute, huh. so curious who's the architect is :P

July, 28th 2010, my best best best friend, ardin celebrated her graduation! look she was so fabolous!ahh, im so melting. when is my turn?hopefully soon.

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yeah we're best friend of ardin!

now, return to finish my final thesis. wish me luck and hopefully graduate in this year. AMIN.



July 02, 2010

July? Sorry,Not One of My Favorite Month For Me

Hello July, welcome!

ini sudah hari ke-2 di bulan Juli, dan orang-orang masih banyak yang bilang "asik udah Juli";"horee Juli";"my favorite month ever";"cant wait spend a day in July" and so on. Jadi heran, ada apa yah dibulan juli? kalau menurut kalendarisasi saya, di bulan Juli itu nothing special, cuman ada :
1. Musim liburan semester baru (ini sih semua mahasiswa juga semangat banget buat menyambut, haha)
2. Ulangtahun teman saya, namanya Juli dan Yulita. No wonder yah, dari namanya juga sudah keciri nih anak borojol bulan Juli.
3. Hari Wisudaan, maklum sekarang kan IPB kalau wisuda 2 bulan sekali, katanya diprotes warga bikin macet kalau setahun 2x, biar ga ada penumpukkan kendaraan (lagian bikin kampus di desa, haduuhh)
4. Perdana muncul film Twilight:Eclipse (apa sih chan -____-")

See? hambar banget kan di Bulan ini, malah saya cukup resah, karena :
1. Ditinggal pacar pulang kampung.hiks
2. Semakin dikejar-kejar deadline skripsi. huaa. Panik attack!
3. rambut makin panjang (yaiyalah makin panjang, mana ada makin gundul)
4. Makin dekat dengan bulan November, it means my age will turns to 22! No Way! :'(

Yasudahlah bulan silih berganti, mau gimana lagi.hmm.

June 19, 2010

More New Accounts and Attend Open House Bogor Palace :/

hai fellaww

Just want you to know, kalau saya sudah mempunyai akun baru di dua situs jejaring. Pertama di
Lastfm dan nama user saya : yeahchans. Dan yang kedua di Skype dan nama user saya : cchhaannss. come on, be my friends there, ok! See Ya

Anyway, tanggal 23 Juni kemarin, saya mengikuti open house Istana Bogor. Dan yang saya baru tahu saat itu juga, hari itu adalah hari terakhir Istana dibuka untuk umum. Pantas ramai sekali di kantor DPRD, mulai dari mahasiswa pengangguran seperti saya, anak sekolahan yang pakai baju seragam, rombongan keluarga, turis mancanegara, ibu-ibu pengajian berbaju putih suci bersih (hehe), sampai angkot-angkot pun berjejalan.hahaha. Sebelum masuk ke Istana, masyarakat yang hendak masuk harus berkumpul dulu di kantor DPRD Bogor, tidak jauh tempatnya dari Istana. Saya diberi Karcis dan di cap tangan. Setelah itu berbondong-bondong seperti konvoi kita semua ke Istana, kurang lebih 10 menit sampai. Sebenarnya didalamnya biasa saja, hanya ada 2 bangunan utama, museum dan Istana. Tapi sebelumnya saya pernah masuk juga saat SMP, jadi saya tidak terlalu excited saat masuk. Yang saya incar hanya euphoria berkumpul sama teman dan foto-foto di depan istana.
Banyak kejadian yang mengecewakan bagi saya pribadi disana. Pertama, pengunjung tidak diperkenankan membawa tas sekecil apapun dan membawa kamera. Tas saya titip ke teman yang membawa mobil dan Kukuh juga tidak jadi membawa kameranya dan dititipkan dirumah saya, nyatanya banyak sekali orang yang membawa kamera dan foto-foto disana selain itu bahkan ada pula yang membawa tas ransel, SHIT! apa-apaan itu aneh banget, memang tagline "Peraturan Dibuat Untuk Dilanggar" cocok sekali di Istana Bogor, hell yeah. Kedua, saya dan teman-teman ARL akan membuat foto di depan Istana, dan diharuskan membayar Rp. 50.000,00 dan jika ingin softcopy bayar Rp. 20.000,00. Ternyata saat pemotretan (halah!), kita ditake beberapa kali oleh fotografernya. Sayang dong kalau di delete begitu saja, makanya kami menambah Rp. 20.000 untuk mendapatkan copyan foto-foto yang tidak dicetak. Sehari sesudah hari H, saya dan Kukuh ke Istana mengambilnya. Kecewa seribu kecewa, hasil foto tidak memuaskan. Ternyata yang dicetak take kesekian, sehingga tidak formal lagi posisi kita. Dan softcopynya?bah, apaan cuman 1, itu juga yang dicetak. GGRRRAMMMM. Mana profesionalnya woi fotografer Istana? oh ya satu lagi, tagline "Dont Judge The Book by It's Cover" juga cocok banget tuh buat fotografernya. Even you're a photografer there, but you're such an amatir, because we're not those 'it' people, it didn't means you're took a picture not seriously. Remember, we paid for it.

Ini hasil foto yang kami lakukan disana, Thanks to Kukuh,
Wiwiek, and Phewe for all picture :)

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Beberapa teman di depan Bangunan istana

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Saya dan Kukuh di Museum Istana

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Saya dan Si Denok, haha.

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Saya dan Kukuh. Love It!

Nah, ini 1 foto yang hasilnya mengecewakan

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wanna see more? click here and here



June 13, 2010

old school musical

dear fellaw
akhir-akhir ini entah mengapa dan bagaimana, saya rajin mendengarkan musik-musik old school dulu. mungkin saya terinspirasi dengan tontonan saya sekarang ini, Tv series Glee, karena sering mengulas tentang musik mulai dari yang hip sampai yang jadul parah. But, not all those old school music worst than now. Malah lebih bervariasi dan tidak menjenuhkan. Mungkin saya bukan salah satu diantara anak zaman sekarang yang hobi menonton acara-acara musik di TV, yah kalian tahulah, jadi saya kurang mengikuti perkembangan lagu-lagu sekarang. Terlebih presesntase kesukaan saya antara musik dalam dan luar kurang lebih 20% : 80%, hahaha. Aneh memang. Saya tidak bilang musik Indonesia, terutama zaman sekarang jelek. Tapi terkadang variasi musik itu harus ada, coba deh dengar kembali tembang-tembang lawas, sehingga pengetahuan kalian terhadap lagu semakin meluas, tidak stuck dengan sesuatu yang baru yang akhirnya krisis identitas.
Dan inilah lagu-lagu old school yang 'baru saya telaah', hopefully one of these perhaps is your favorite songs. check this out :

* Walking On Sunshine - recovered by Aly & AJ

* I Saw Her Standing There - by The Beatles

* Like A Prayer - by Madonna ; recovered by cast of Glee

* Man In The Mirror - by Michael Jackson ; recovered by James Morisson

* True Colours - by Phill Colins ; recovered by cast of Glee

* Destroy Everything You Touch - by Ladytron

* Season of Love - by Stevie Wonder

* Nothing Compares To You - by Sinead o'Connor

* Sunday Bloody Sunday - by U2

* Smoke - by Natalie Imbruglia

* Dream On - by Aerosmith

* Hello Goodbye - by The Beatles ; recovered by cast of Glee

rraww !

June 02, 2010

welcome june, we're best friend right?

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"Friends can come and go, but best friends always last forever".

"Conflict follows us for all the time, but trust always in our heart never ending."

so lets make friends with happiness, no fake friends, no backstabber. voila.

May 29, 2010

yes we do love photo-ing !

ketika kebosanan memuncak, kami hanya bisa begini :)

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May 16, 2010

Make It Better Place For You And For Me

Ya. Ini ungkapan himbauan kepada teman-teman saya siapapun itu untuk menjauhi adanya perbedaan. Karena perbedaan itu awal mulanya dari perpecahan. Buat apa memusingkan perbedaan kalau nggak ada gunanya. YOU'RE SUCH A SELFISH HUMAN! YOU DONT EVEN CARE ABOUT YOU, YOU'RE FAMILY, YOU'RE FRIENDS, EVEN YOU'RE GOD THE ONE AND ONLY!
Kenapa sesama muslim (agama saya) harus saling berselisih? kenapa harus banyak aliran pada satu agama yang sama? nggak malu apa sama Tuhan kalian? opini saya, nggak usah masalahin ajaran situ salah, ajaran sana salah, yang penting kan sama-sama punya Tuhan yang sama. Kalau ajaran mereka salah, yang dosa mereka-mereka juga kan. Sekarang tergantung kitanya bawa diri yang benar. Cari lingkungan yang benar. Jangan asal-asalan karena ujung-ujungnya bakal nggak enak. Kalau dari segi politik? wah saya give up deh. Terlalu banyak kasus yang bermunculan dan itu membuat saya linglung. Mungkin satu kasus yang nggak habis-habis *tapi nggak saya bahas kok* yaitu perang Irak-Afghanistan. Perang Dunia Ke-3 saya rasa, yeah!
Beberapa hari yang lalu ketika saya membuka akun facebook, tiba-tiba muncul di home saya yang membuat saya tertarik untuk membaca komen yang hampir 20-an. Awal mulanya seorang teman (sebutlah A) menulis status : Dia tidak mau membaca status-status teman-teman saya *ditulis namanya satu persatu*. Teman-teman saya yang ditulis oleh si A memiliki persamaan sama-sama menyukai Boyband Korea atau musik korea, dan itu saya pun menyadari, karena si A tidak suka dengan hal semacam itu. Kemudian munculah komen dari teman-teman saya yang disebutkan namanya, mereka umumnya berkomentar nggak peduli dan cenderung tersinggung. Siapa sih yang nggak marah kalau status kita dianggap memuakkan bagi orang lain. Saya rasa saya pun akan begitu. Tapi pada kenyataannya saya sama dengan si A, tidak menggemari itu. Terkadang saya juga risih dengan status mereka, apa tidak ada status lain yang kami yang tidak mengerti jadi mengerti. Tapi saya bersikap wajar, dimana umur kami masih labil masih suka dengan hal-hal yang sedang hip, trendy, masa kini. Toh status mereka tidak mengganggu hidup saya kan? toh status mereka tidak menghina atau menyinggung saya kan?

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So from now on friends, forget the past left behind and start a brand new things with chance our mindset that differences always makes our life completely perfect. It's a huge mistake that differences will makes a war, disunity, and all things going worst. Please guys, don't do it again alright, im sure we can chance our world be a better place.

